Agustine of Hipo
Homily number 241. Easter411
Ask the beauty of the earth; ask the beauty of the sea, ask the beauty of dilated and diffuse air; ask the beauty of the sky; ask the ordered rhythm of the stars; ask the sun, to wipe the day with glare; asks the moon, that it mitigates with her the glow the darkness of the night that secrets to the day; ask the animals that move through the waters, that inhabited the lands or the skyes; ask the hidden souls, the manifest bodies; the visible beings, who need to be ruled; and the invisible ones, who govern them. Ask them and all will respond: “Contemplate our beauty.” His beauty is his confession. Who did you did these beautiful things, albeit moving, but the immutable Beauty?
Agustin of Hipo. Homily number 241, pages 2-3. Easter. ca. 411.