ALUNA. A journey to save the world
Ereira, Allan - BBC2014
ALUNA is made by and with the Kogi, a genuine lost civilization hidden on an isolated triangular pyramid mountain in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, the ‘Heart of the World’. The Kogi say that without thought, nothing could exist. This is a problem, because we are not just plundering the world, we are dumbing it down, destroying both the physical structure and the thought underpinning existence. The Kogi believe that they live in order to care for the world and keep its natural order functioning, but they recognized some years ago that this task was being made impossible by our mining and deforestation.
In 1990 the Kogi emerged to work with Alan Ereira, making a 90-minute film for BBC (From the Heart of the World: The Elder Borthers Warning to Humanity) in which they dramatically warned of our need to change course. Then they withdrew again. The first film had a stunning global impact, and is now probably the most celebrated film ever made about a tribal people. It was repeated on BBC2 immediately after its first showing, and then in many other countries. It helped shape the Rio Conference OF 1992, leading to a complete transformation of the Colombian attitude to these people. Today, each new Colombian President has to visit the mountain and seek their blessing.
But now the Kogi have summoned Alan Ereira back to say that we did not actually listen to what they said. We are incapable of being changed by being spoken to. They now understand that we learn through our eyes, not our ears. In the face of the approaching apocalypse, they have asked Ereira to make a film with them which will take the audience on a perilous journey into the mysteries of their sacred places to change our understanding of reality.
Aluna. A journey to save the world.
Ereira, Allan – Tairona Heritage Trust.