Contemplación y compromiso
Contemplación y compromiso (Contemplation and Commitment) is the title of a chapter of the book La experiencia contemplativa en el misticismo, la filosofía y el arte (The contemplative experience in mysticism, philosophy and art), in which the philosopher Mónica Cavalle clearly sets out the historical primacy of contemplation over what is activated in sapiential traditions, and in her concluding apparatus she advocates that contemplation is the very source of genuine commitment, and therefore the heart of action. Thus, through the cultivation of interiority and in contemplative practice it is understood, from the full consciousness of the unity of life, that our transformation transforms the world, that genuine contemplation is non-dual, and that action it is a form of contemplation.
The contemplative experience. In mysticism, philosophy and art, provides a diversity of penetrating insights from eleven authors who accompany us to explore this profound human dimension. The conscious cultivation of the contemplative dimension aims to the core of the human being; to be in fullness, uniting both an ethical and spiritual commitment.