Prespa Statement on the management of natural and cultural heritage in Mediterranean wetlands
Mediterranean Institute of Nature and Anthopos (Greece)2009
Declaration originating from an international workshop held on the Greek shores of Lake Prespa on 23–27 September 2009 in which the possibilities of reaching different types of common positions on the management of natural and cultural heritage in Mediterranean wetlands was debated and analysed.Participants from 17 countries agreed on a statement declaring that over the coming years initiatives aimed at integrating the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage present in Mediterranean wetlands should be implemented. The initiatives debated include the study of the material, cultural and spiritual needs of local communities and the preservation of local knowledge of the tangible and intangible aspects of the wetlands, which should thus be fully incorporated into management of the wetlands in question.
Cultural aspects of Mediterranean wetlands. “Prespa Statement” [En línia]. Mediterranean workshop of the Cultural Values of Wetlands: Towards an integrated approach to the cultural and natural aspects of wetlands. Greek side of Prespa, 23-27 September 2009. <> [Consulted: 5 October 2011].