Écologie intégrale, écologie politique, christianisme. Remarques historiennes
Florian Michel2020
The article explores the short history of the concept of ‘integral ecology’ in the French context, a concept popularized by the encyclical Laudato si’ (2015). It begins by examining the contributions of Falk van Gaver, since 2007, some of the intellectual debates that arose in the years following the publication of the journal, highlighting the contributions of Delphine Batho, Dominique Bourg and Desclée de Brouwer, among others . Looking for antecedents, he finds them in the responses to the criticisms that Lynn T. White (1967) had received and highlights, in particular, Hélène and Jean Bastaire and the testimony of Lanza del Vasto.
Florian Michel (2020) Écologie intégrale, écologie politique, christianisme. Remarques historiennes. Communio 2020 / g, Num. 272, pages 13-29. Editions Communio. ISSN 0338-781X. DOI 10.3917/commun.272.0013