Shrines in protected areas: thoughts and perspectives
Mallarach, Josep M.; Falgarona, Jordi2007
This communication was presented at the XXVII meeting of the custodians of the sanctuaries of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands held at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Núria (Patroness of the Catalan Pyrenees) in 2007. It provides an overview of the work carried out to date and the organisations involved in the recognition of the spiritual and cultural values of protected natural areas. It discusses the work that has still to be done regarding those in charge of the sanctuaries and the managers of the protected natural areas they are situated in. The suggested task include, firstly, the setting up of a dialogue and informal meetings to find common ground, and then the apportioning of tasks that both sides will have to carry out to ensure the conservation and awareness of the natural, cultural and spiritual heritage of the site in question. This communication argues that environmental awareness amongst pilgrims should not be limited to a secular ecological message, but should rather attempt to connect the environment to more profound values relevant to Creation in which cardinal human virtues are promoted to the fore.
Mallarach Carrera, Josep M.; Falgarona Bosch, Jordi. “Els Santuaris en espais naturals protegits: reflexions i perspectives”. XXVIII Trobada de rectors de Santuaris de Catalanuya i Balears. Santuari de Nostra Senyora de Núria, 14 de març, 2007.