Alianzas constructivas para la conservación de la naturaleza y el bienestar social “los hilos de un tapiz multicolor”
Tréllez Solís, Eloísa2010
Inaugural address to the 14th EUROPARC-Spain Conference, held in Segorb, Valencia, Spain in June 2010. The author makes seven reflections on questions relating to the management of protected areas. 1. Alliances: it is important to know in what position we are in and with who to make alliances and why. 2. Bio-cultural diversity: we need to discover our identity vis-à-vis the natural world and culture in order to respect and understand others. 3. Knowledge favouring protected natural areas: we should aim to promote dialogue that recognizes and appreciates what we already know, what others know and what we do not know. 4. Well-being: to create a sense of well-being we need to move towards constructive convergences by strengthening our own identities and accepting new factors in our existences that help us live well. 5. Unity and solidarity: these concepts, along with alliances and relationships can help us achieve great things. 6. Participation and excitement: we participate in the protection of natural areas when we learn to love them and know them well, and when we feel close to them. 7. The bottom line: we have to know where we are going.
Tréllez Solís, Eloísa. “Alianzas constructivas para la conservación de la naturaleza y el bienestar social “los hilos de un tapiz multicolor””. Inaugural lecture. XVI Congreso de EUROPARC-España. Segorbe, Castellón, 2-6 junio 2010.