What’s Jewish About Protecting the Environment?
A report to mark the tenth anniversary of the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life. The aim of this organisation is to study the commitment that Jewish people have towards the stewardship of creation through the teachings of their religion. The Coalition aims to use the resources and teachings of Jewish life to protect the Earth and its inhabitants. Of most interest is Protecting the environment is a Mitzvah, an article focussed on the establishment of a connection between Judaism and nature protection, and On the urgency of a Jewish response to the environmental crisis, a declaration of the urgent need for the Jewish religion to react to the world environmental crisis.The document also includes a historical overview of the work of the Coalition and its community of members during its ten years of existence. Finally, the lines of work that the Coalition is to follow are discussed, along with the priorities regarding the environment and the development of specific commitments by the Jewish community vis-à-vis the stewardship of the creation.