Interpretación Cultural del Sendero Ruta Sagrada Parque Nacional Cotacachi Cayapas
The study explains the complex worldview of the Andean culture to give meaning and meaning to the “Sacred Route Trail” located in the Cotacachi Cayapas National Park (Ecuador). The Ministry of the Environment together with the indigenous organizations of Cotacachi, wants to recover the hierophanic representation of the Laguna de Cuicocha. This tourist path has been articulated to the quadripartite division of the cosmovision Kichwa and is represented by the Andean Cross and in whose interior the solar and lunar calendar emerges, which guides the celebration of the water rites through the exercise of offerings mainly of corn products. Among the theoretical references of the work, Cevallos (2013; 2006), De Murúa (2001), Cervone (2000), De La Vega (1991), Rostowrowski (1989), Moya (1981) stand out. A qualitative methodology was applied from the ethnographic interpretation and direct participation. An in-depth interview was used with the actors involved in this project, with the Kichwa communities of Cotacachi, in coordination with the cooperating public agencies: MAE, UNORCAC, Kuychi Kucha Committee and PNCC to contribute to the development of responsible ecotourism in the new National Park.