European Landscape Convention
The European Landscape Convention passed in Florence on 20 October 2000 recognises that landscape has an important role to play in cultural, ecological, environmental and social aspects of life, and is beneficial for the stimulation of economic activity. Landscapes must be protected, managed and planned in order to create jobs; they form a part of local culture and are fundamental components of European natural and cultural identity. Landscapes also contribute to human welfare, help consolidate a European identity and are an important element in the quality of life in urban and rural areas, in degraded and scenic areas, and in sites that are recognised as being of exceptional beauty as well as in those regarded as much more mundane.The Convention also recognises that the evolution of agricultural, forestry, industrial and mining techniques, along with the evolution of region and urban planning, transport infrastructures, tourism and other leisure activities, coupled with generalised changes in the world economy are causing great transformations in landscapes that often lead to a serious loss in quality.The Convention aims to respond to a general desire for landscapes of great quality and to participate actively in the development of landscapes, a key element in individual and social welfare. Landscape protection, management and planning imply the existence of rights and responsibilities for all.
Council of Europa.European Landscape Convention: Florence, 20.X.2000[On-line]. Strasburg: Council of Europa. <>[Consulted: 19 March 2016].