Els aplecs a l’entorn del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu: Síntesi de valors culturals i espirituals en un entorn natural
Modern-day aplecs in the Alt Pirineu Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain) and the surrounding area are the product of…
Actions that reinforce the preservation and enjoyment of the values of the intangible heritage of nature, in an integrated way with conservation, in all fields, including the evaluation of their effectiveness. Traditional systems of governance of territories and resources.
Modern-day aplecs in the Alt Pirineu Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain) and the surrounding area are the product of…
The work includes the proceedings of the Second Conference on Mature Forests in Catalonia, which took place in…
Sacred forests hold the last remaining primary forest in many parts of Sierra Leone, but they have been…
This book is based on information presented at the conference on parks, peace and collaboration held in Waterton…
The present study was carried out in Malay Nath sacred grove of Kumaon Himalaya, India, in appreciation of…
Sacred natural sites are based on indigenous culture and traditional practices that value land and lives, and are…
This Master thesis presents a comparative study of two sacred mountains, Croagh Patrick in western Ireland and Montsacro…
The report examines the historical and current place of sacred sites in the lives and societies of the…
This paper aims at filling this gap of anthropological contributions providing a better framework for conservation and ecological…
Holy Island, near the island of Arran (SW Scotland, UK) was regarded as a holy site during medieval…