Jordi Corominas i Joan Albert Vicens, coord.2021
This monographic issue of the magazine Perifèria. Cristianisme, Postmodernitat, Globalització, coordinated by Jordi Corominas and Joan Albert Vicens, is dedicated to exploring the complex and problematic relationships that today’s humanity has with nature. It contains some twenty articles grouped into five sections: philosophical and anthropological reflections; ethical reflections, political reflections, Andean wisdom, and religious and spiritual perspectives, mostly written during the year 2020, that of the pandemic. The articles, written from very diverse perspectives, are either in Spanish or Catalan. The presentation and the last article, dedicated to Bishop Casaldàliga, are in both languages.
PERIFÈRIA, Cristianisme, Postmodernitat, Globalització 8/2021. Natura. Co-directors: Jordi Corominas i Joan Albert Vicens. 308. pàg. ISSN 2339-8310.