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Documentation centre

The Silene Documentation Center contains resources and documents about the spiritual and intangible cultural heritage linked to nature and natural heritage, from the local to the international level. Summaries are offered in four languages: English, Spanish, French, and Catalan, although the documents are in the original languages, accompanied by translations, when available.

It is the reference documentation center of the Group Specialist in Cultural and Spiritual Values ​​of the World Commission for Natural Protected Areas, of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Document type
  • Information and sensitization
    Tools for information, awareness and reflection on the cultural and spiritual values ​​of nature and landscape in various traditions and worldviews. Pedagogical, didactic and training resources that help integrate spiritual values ​​in the conservation of nature, including myths, tales, and legends.
  • International declarations
    Declarations of spiritual, scientific, political or social authorities in relation to the spiritual values of nature and the need to acknowledge them.
  • Legal documents
    Conventions, treaties, laws, regulations of any administrative, national or international scope.
  • Management documents
    Actions that reinforce the preservation and enjoyment of the values ​​of the intangible heritage of nature, in an integrated way with conservation, in all fields, including the evaluation of their effectiveness. Traditional systems of governance of territories and resources.
  • Planning documents
    Plans and programs aimed at the conservation of nature, protected areas, habitats or species, that incorporate the spiritual and cultural dimensions.
  • Reflections on nature and spirituality
    Contributions on the relationship between nature and spirituality, in any of the concepts and the meanings that both may have and in all its manifestations.
  • Reflections on science and spirituality
    Contributions on the relationship between modern science and spirituality, or with the traditional sciences of nature and / or traditional ecological knowledge.
  • Strategical documents
    Guidelines, strategies, recommendations or proposals, from congresses, symposia, seminars, workshops, etc. either international or national
  • Videographers
    Movies, documentaries and interviews
  • Wisdom quotes
    Quotes, aphorisms and advices about Nature from the spiritual Traditions of humankind.