Plan Maestro de la Reserva de Uso Múltiple Cuenca del Lago de Atitlán 2007-2011 (Guatemala)
National Council of Protected Areas, Council for the Development of Sololá, The Nature Conservancy2006
Strategic plan designed by the National Council of Protected Areas and the Council for the Development of Sololá (Guatemala) in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy.This plan tackles the most important productive, natural and cultural questions affecting the sustainable economic development of the department of Sololá and the Lake Atitlán Basin Multiple Use Reserve. Its principal objective is the drafting of a strategic tool that will design and guide the activities and investment to be carried out to promote the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of this reserve. As well, it aims to develop the reserve’s potential for contributing to the well-being of the local people during the period 2001-2011.One of the central pillars of this planning process is the region’s cultural heritage, and this document includes an analysis of its tangible and intangible cultural values and elements. The plan examines in a holistic fashion the integrity and significance of these values and elements, as well as the threats they are facing and the opportunities they offer.
CONAP; CODEDE- Sololá. Plan Maestro de la Reserva de Uso Múltiple Cuenca del Lago de Atitlán 2007-2011: Un modelo de Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenible. Guatemala: The Nature Conservancy, 2006. 263 pp.