Quaderns de Silene
Silene Editorial Team2021
The series of Quaderns de Silene aims to address important challenges of today without haste, on a quarterly basis. Challenged by the global sanitary crises, Silene’s editorial team felt a duty to make a contribution to our society. The first issue came out on April 5, 2020, after three weeks of mandatory confinement.
Quaderns de Silene, a short digital publication published both in Catalan and Spanish, wants to be an invitation to reflection and introspection, from the hand of our Mother and Teacher Nature, as well as from the teaching of contemporary spokespersons of wisdom and spiritual traditions. Each issue has an editorial or an statement from our editorial team. Statements are also available in English and French – see below.
Equip editorial Silene. 2020. Atravessant les boires. Reflexions i invitacions. Quadern de Silene#1.
Equip editorial Silene. 2020. Al cor de la boira s’obre la llum. Veus i testimonis per restaurar la saviesa de la Terra. Quadern de Silene#2.
Equip editorial Silene. 2020. La pèrdua com a llavor. Els cicles de la vida i la Vida més enllà. Quadern de Silene #3.
Equip editorial Silene. 2021. Florir al nostre interior. Renàixer “meravellats davant d’allò petit i proper”. Quadern de Silene #4.