Jean Servier
El hombre y lo Invisible1964
The Invisible is in man, more real, more present, more sensitive than any part of his body. The Invisible is around the man as a medium that records each of his earthly actions and reflects them into consequences that would be unavoidable without the action of mediators, invisible too.
The term Invisible seemed to me to more accurately define what some philosophers call the “Numineux” and others the Sacred. The Sacred can be created by the man while the Invisible imposes itself on him. In the mind of the man of traditional civilizations, the Invisible does not have the vagueness of a metaphysical concept, rather it is a reality, a dimension in which moves each of the men composing the whole society.
Jean Serbier. L’Homme et l’Invisible, Paris, Robert Laffont, 1964.
Spanish translation: El hombre y lo Invisible, by Jorge Cruz. Monte Avila Editores, Caracas (Venezuela)