Ibrahim Abdul Matin
Living a Green Deen means understanding that God created us directly from the Earth and that we must…
Quotes, aphorisms and advices about Nature from the spiritual Traditions of humankind.
Living a Green Deen means understanding that God created us directly from the Earth and that we must…
Every person we come across is a sacred mystery and each animal, each plant, has a unique dignity…
Only by embodying the vision of ecology ands justice in its own teaching, worship and praxis can the…
Omitting the sense of the sacred in nature – scorning it, downplaying it, giggling when someone mentions it…
We can recognize the animistic traditions of our ancestors and begin the development of a richer understanding of…
Prayer and contemplation, supported by a cosmic environment which, in a sense, cries out to be seen, heard…
If you work with nature, miracles are possible.
Nature is all a theophany It is our duty not only to preserve it, but to honor it.
Rediscovering the sacred way of relating to nature, this is what we urgently need.