Els arbres mediterranis. Un recorregut pels seus valors culturals i espirituals
Gordi Serrat, Josep2012
Small-format, synthetic book, providing an introduction to the subject, which includes numerous references for those who wish to know more. The first part explains the bio-geographical evolution of the Mediterranean trees, highlighting the impacts of the military and commercial societies that they lived throughout history. The second part deals with the subtitle, starting with an overview of the symbolism of trees in mythology and classical literature, especially Greek and Roman, and explain next the significance of trees in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, based on its Scriptures. Finally, the book explores the significance of trees in some aspects of folklore and literature. The text is accompanied by well chosen photographs.
Gordi Serrat, Josep. Els arbres mediterranis. Un recorregut pels seus valors culturals i espirituals. Documenta Universitària, 2012. ISBN: 978-84-9984-122-9.