Man and the Invisible
Servier, Jean1964
This book consists of a comparative phenomenological analysis of the relationships that traditional societies have established with the realities and invisible beings that have shaped their lives and determined their links with their surroundings and therefore with nature conservation. The author stresses the key constants that give meaning and sense to human existence throughout the world, and focuses above all on the traditions of shamanic and animistic type in contrast with the characteristics of Western materialistic society.
The work offers an anthropological criticism of evolutionary and progressive ideology, and demonstrates with the help of a fairly diverse and extensive selection of sources that throughout history mankind has in fact contradicted this ideology.
Servier, Jean. El Hombre y lo invisible: ensayo. Traducción de Jorge Cruz. Caracas: Monte Ávila, cop. 1964. 431 pàg.
Títol original francès: L’Homme et l’Invisible.