Natura i espiritualitat a Catalunya. Deu converses, passejades i consells per viure la natura amb plenitud
Gordi Serrat, Josep2013
The book has two main parts: the first combines reflections and personal testimonies, while the second is a kind of practical manual describing simple ways of getting closer to the spirituality of nature. After the introductory chapters, the first part contains ten interviews with people of recognized spirituality from many of the various faith traditions present in Catalonia: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and so forth. The practical part contains ten tips for living in harmony with nature: walking, running and swimming, silence, solitude, humility, contemplation and meditation, mindfulness, joy, and so forth. Finally, the autor also proposes ten sites where these practices can be enjoyed, namely natural areas in Catalonia of great spiritual value (e.g. Montserrat, El Miracle, Puiggraciós, El Montsant, Poblet, Núria, etc.). Dr. Josep Gordi is profesor of Geography at the University of Girona, Catalonia.
Gordi Serrat, Josep. Natura i espiritualitat a Catalunya. Deu converses, passejades i consells per viure la natura amb plenitud. Documenta Universitària, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-9984-218-9.