Scientists’ Warning to Humanity on Threats to Indigenous & Local Knowledge Systems
Fernández-Llamazares, A. et al.2021
The knowledge systems and practices of Indigenous Peoples and local communities play
critical roles in safeguarding the biological and cultural diversity of our planet. Globalization,
government policies, capitalism, colonialism, and other rapid social-ecological changes threaten the
relationships between Indigenous Peoples and local communities and their environments, thereby
challenging the continuity and dynamism of Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK). In this article,
we contribute to the “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity,” issued by the Alliance of World
Scientists, by exploring opportunities for sustaining ILK systems on behalf of the future stewardship of our planet. Our warning raises the alarm about the pervasive and ubiquitous erosion of knowledge
and practice and the social and ecological consequences of this erosion. While ILK systems can be
adaptable and resilient, the foundations of these knowledge systems are compromised by ongoing
suppression, misrepresentation, appropriation, assimilation, disconnection, and destruction of
biocultural heritage. Three case studies illustrate these processes and how protecting ILK is central to
biocultural conservation. We conclude with 15 recommendations that call for the recognition and
support of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and their knowledge systems. Enacting these
recommendations will entail a transformative and sustained shift in how ILK systems, their knowledge holders, and their multiple expressions in lands and waters are recognized, affirmed, and valued. We appeal for urgent action to support the efforts of Indigenous Peoples and local communities around the world to maintain their knowledge systems, languages, stewardship rights, ties to lands and waters, and the biocultural integrity of their territories—on which we all depend.
Fernández-Llamazares, A. et al (2021) Warning to Humanity on Threats to Indigenous & Local Knowledge Systems. Journal of Ethnobiology 2021 41(2): 144–169