Sri Swami Shivananda
Bliss Divine 1980
Science is not the enemy of religion, but a preparation for it. Science is solely the enemy of superstition. Both science and religion have as their object the search for Truth. (…) Science is the religion applied to the investigation of Truth in the finite external nature; that is, of the object. Religion is the science applied to the realization of the Infinite, the Bhuma, or the Truth that underlies all objects, that is, the Subject. (…) Science has to do with facts, religion, with values. Where science ends religion begins. The scientific and religious approaches to truth are, in fact, complementary and not contradictory (…) Both should mutually and harmoniously help each other to seek and live the Truth.
Sri Swami Sivananda. Bliss Divine. Book of Spiritual Essays on the Lofty Purpose of Human Life and the Means to Its Achievement. The Divine Life Trust Society.