El patrimonio inmaterial: valores culturales y espirituales. Manual para su incorporación en las áreas protegidas
Mallarach, J-M; Comas, E; Armas, A. de2012
This is the first handbook published in Europe to consider the question of intangible heritage in protected areas.
The work is divided into six chapters, namely: 1: Introduction, 2: International and European history of the subject, 3: Definition of intangible heritage in protected areas, types and associated values, criteria and methodologies for addressing its study and a diagnosis focusing on its relationship with natural heritage; 4: General principles and 45 recommendations for incorporating cultural and spiritual values into all stages of the existence of protected areas, from their declaration and delimitation to their management and evaluation; 5: Ten case studies, and 6: References. At the end of the book there are two appendices: a glossary of key terms and a list of 115 initiatives and experiences that have been developed in Spain in this field. Each of the recommendations is accompanied by an example, almost always from Spain.
Silene Association promoted the project, and collaborated in all the stages of its development, until the final publication.
Mallarach, Josep Maria; Comas, Eulàlia; Armas, Alberto de. El patrimonio inmaterial: valores culturales y espirituales. Manual para su incorporación en las áreas protegidas. Madrid: Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez, 2012. (Serie de manuales EUROPARC-España; 10. Programa de trabajo de las áreas protegidas 2009-2013). ISBN: 978-84-937703-9-7.