Report of the Native American Sacred Lands Forum
Native American Sacred Lands Forum2001
The Native American Sacred Lands Forum was convened because of a need to find solutions to the serious…
Guidelines, strategies, recommendations or proposals, from congresses, symposia, seminars, workshops, etc. either international or national
The Native American Sacred Lands Forum was convened because of a need to find solutions to the serious…
The Aichi Targets, within the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-20, outlines an ambitious roadmap towards halting and reversing…
Resolution No. 11 of the X WILD Congress, held in Salamanca (Spain, 2013) on the recognition of networks…
This resolution, adopted in the IUCN General Assembly of Jeju (South Korea) recognizes that faith-based groups have become…
This is the first handbook published in Europe to consider the question of intangible heritage in protected areas….
This publication summarizes, in thirty pages, the Islamic doctrine of the conservation of nature, according to the Koranic…
Manual of recommendations and guidelines aimed at preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the world’s mountain regions,…
The document is divided into two blocks, each of which consists of six papers. The first deals with…
Guidelines aimed at governments and NGOs to enable them take into account in an appropriate fashion indigenous people’s…
Resolution 32 was adopted at the 15th General Assembly of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)…