Recommendation to support custodian protocols and customary laws of sacred sites in the face of global threats and challenges
This Recommendation, adopted by the IUCN General Assembley of Jeju (South Korea), calls on all IUCN State Members to recognize the rights of indigenous peoples to practise their cultural traditions and customs, (…); to engage indigenous peoples, local communities, faith groups and custodians of sacred natural sites and territories, to recognize their customary laws and cultural protocols in the management of sacred natural sites and territories, and to develop programmes that respect and endorse these customary laws and associated institutions (…). The recommendation also urges State Members of IUCN and other national governments to develop appropriate policies, laws and programmes (…) that will allow custodians to continue, maintain and protect their sacred natural sites using their traditional practices and protocols (…), and recommends that all governments develop national legislation to makes these goals possible.
IUCN. “Rec 147. Sacred natural sites – support for custodian protocols and customary laws in the face of global threats and challenges”. In: IUCN. Resolutions and Recommendations adopted in Jeju. [S.l.]: IUCN, 2012.