The Rape of Man and Nature: An enquiry into the origins and consequences of modern science
Sherrard, Philip1987
This book displays of a rigorous criticism from the point of view of Orthodox Christian philosophy of the scientific mentality that dominates the modern world. In an examination of the practice and theory of modern science, the author shows how the acceptance and development of modern western science throughout the world leads to a progressive dehumanisation of man and society, and how it has generated a global ecological crisis. To escape this process of self-destruction, the author suggests that the basic tenets of spiritual anthropology and traditional cosmology should be re-established.
Sherrard, Philip. The Rape of Man and Nature: An enquiry into the origins and consequences of modern science. Ipswich: Golgonooza Press, 1987. 124 pp. ISBN: 978-0-903-88034-3.