On-line dialogue on religious diversity, climate emergency and hate speech
Catalonia, Spain18 March 2021
The Centre d’Estudis de tradicions de saviesa (Center for the Study of Wisdom Traditions) is organizing a telematic dialogue on March 18, 2021 at 7 pm, onthe relationship between religiousdiversity, climate emergency and hate speech.
The critic situation of the Earth, demands a forceful social response. Does the cultivation of human quality in a society like ours change our conception of the world, our relationship with living things and with the Earth? Participants: Josep Maria Mallarach, president of the NGO Silene; Daniel Turón, coordinator of the interreligious group on Climate Emergency and Religions of AUDIR; Montse Cucarull, member of the research group in Axiological Epistemology of CETR. Moderator: Jose Manuel Bobadilla
The on-line dialogue is a relaxed space to dialogue and exchange reflections and experiences on the human quality preached from themes or challenges that arise today to a humanity instead. It wants to offer the opportunity to challenge ourselves, to communicate without prejudice, to point to the radicality of life, and to help build a new world through comprehensive listening. He wants to combine seriousness and rigor with an inquiring and relaxed tone. The dialogue will be in Catalan and the expected duration will be about 90 minutes.
Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-cafe-tertulia-emergencia-climatica-y-cualidad-humana-143279728525