XVIIIth European Conference on Science and Theology: Creative Pluralism?
Madrid, Spain23-27 June 2021
The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology and the FJ Ayala Chair in Science, Technology and Religion are organizing the 23rd European Congress on Science and Technology at the Pontifical University of Comillas, Madrid, Spain, from 23 to 27 June, with the motto: Creative pluralism? Images and models in science and religion.
Francesc Bellaubí, a member of Silene Association, presents a paper entitled ‘The Noosphere: encountering the Human and the Geosphere in the Anthropocene’, where he discusses the concept of Noosphere, as a bridge between philosophy and natural science, which can alow to exploring the relationships between technocratic artifacts and the underpinning of spiritual values and therefore the relationship between human beings and the Geosphere.
More information here.