The River Symbiosis project 2024-27 begins
Fluvià River, Catalonia13 December 2024
This November, the General Directorate of Environmental Policies of the Generalitat de Catalunya has confirmed its support for the “River Symbiosis” project for the conservation and improvement of the biodiversity of the Natura 2000 natural area “Riu Fluvià”, located in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula. The project aims to improve the conservation status of this special conservation area in the next four years through actions located mainly in groves and related riparian forests and mixed deciduous forests with pedunculate oak. Coordinated by the Resilience Earth cooperative, the Agrupació Naturalista i Ecologista de la Garrotxa and the Hábitats Association also collaborate. The Silene Association will contribute its expertise in intangible heritage as well as the inclusion of cultural and spiritual values in all activities.