ISSREC Seminar: Present and Future of the Laudato si’ in the Catholic Church of Spain
Shrine of Torreciudad, Aragon, Spain19-21 June 2017
The seminar Present and future of the Laudato si’ in the Spanish Church was developed between 19 and 21 of June in the shrine of Torreciudad, northern Spain. Its purpose was to review the reception of the encyclical in the Spanish Church, both in terms of the new doctrinal aspects (e.g. new approaches in the Theology of Creation or in the promotion of the integral development), and in the everyday activities (environmental management of Catholic organisations, activities related to environmental issues, awareness campaigns, etc.). Josep-Maria Mallarach participated representing the Silene Association.
The encyclical letter Laudato si’, published by Pope Francisco in June of 2015, poses a major challenge for believers by placing a moral perspective on their attitude to environmental problems. The encyclical demands a strong response to the challenges that affect our “common home”, which goes far beyond cosmetic solutions, since “Living the vocation to be protectors of the work of God is an essential part of a virtuous existence, it is not something optional or secondary to the Christian experience” (n.217).
Related new: 1st ISSREC seminar, which brought together scientists and religious leaders from 12 countries and 8 spiritual and religious traditions (ISSREC), which gave rise to an open Declaration on the importance of dialogue between sciences and the great religious traditions of Humanity to promote environmental care. The text is available in 12 languages at