Crossroads: A Multi-Religious Intergenerational Response to the Social and Environmental Crisis
Manresa, Catalonia28-30 November 2022
The International Multireligious Forum Manresa 2022 will host prominent figures in the field of thought and knowledge within the international arena, through the Meeting of Leaders of Religions for Peace. The meeting will be of an intergenerational nature, between religious leaders and young people from different countries, and with the environmental challenges as the main topic, putting the focus of the dialogue on the transformation of cities into sustainable, fair, resilient and inclusive spaces by transforming the environment in the fundamental axis of development.
The forum will take place over three days that will include talks, dialogues, workshops, visits and the signing of a multi-religious and multi-sector global pact for sustainable cities. The involvement of Religions for Peace International, based in New York, means having the multi-religious participation of more than 90 countries.