International Seminar Connecting Natural & Cultural Heritage
University of Girona, Catalonia4-5 October 2018
The Campus of Cultural and Natural Heritage together with the Master in Heritage of the University of Girona…
We offer our own news, news from collaborating organisations, or from others, which provide inspiration in relation with the cultural and spiritual values of Nature.
The Campus of Cultural and Natural Heritage together with the Master in Heritage of the University of Girona…
The Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori (a Catalan network of landtrusts and related organisations) wants to value the…
The Fundació Valors Humans (Human Values Foundation) organizes a symposium on ‘Ecosophy and the cosmotheandric intuition of Raimon…
This International Seminar, as a follow-up activity of the 2010 Kyiv International Seminar Recommendations, endorsed by the World…
With the organization of the meeting “Christianity and ecology”, the French Orthodox Church wanted to open the path…
The meeting aims to establish and identify the links that exist between astronomical heritage, religious heritage and sacred…
The objective of the new Via Mariae is to consolidate a unified pilgrimage path between the different religious…
The third Seminar on Art, Nature and Spirituality, will be held at the Art and Nature Center, Farrera,…
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia, in cooperation with the UNESCO World Heritage Center and…
The Cambodian government created a new wildlife sanctuary in Oddar Meanchey province. It includes the Buddhist Sang Rukhavoan…