Seminar to Promote the cultural heritage of protected natural areas in Spain
Biosphere Reserve of Sierra del Rincón, Madrid March 2015
The Technical Office of EUROPARC-Spain organizes, in collaboration with the La Hiruela Municipal Council, a seminar to promote the cultural heritage of natural protected areas in Spain, to be held on 24 and 25 March in La Hiruela, Biosphere Reserve of Sierra del Rincón Madrid, in central Spain.
The purpose of the seminar is to share resources and firsthand experiences will be promoted through the Geoportal “The cultural heritage of our natural areas protected” of EUROPARC-Spain, and reflect on the challenges and opportunities of promoting protected areas through cultural heritage.
The 24th, some experiences and cultural resources like Geoportal, cultural heritage assessments and inventories or the possibilities offered by traditional knowledge will be discussed. The 25th a workshop on the integration of values and meanings of the nature of the information and interpretation of protected areas will be developed.
The workshop will be based on guidelines proposed on Manual 10 about Intangible Heritage, and represents de first test of a training module, defined during the World Parks Congress by CSVPA specialist group.
This activity is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Culture.
More information: EUROPARC-España