Towards a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Rivers
PeruJanuary 2021
The Pan-Amazonian Social Forum (FOSPA) broadcast the Virtual World Social Forum “Towards a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Rivers”. Among the participants was the lawyer Richard O’Diana who expressed that it is time to activate the “mechanisms” so that the rights of rivers in Peru are officially recognized, because they are entities that have a life of their own and deserve “recognition of legal and social rights”.
The way to grant rights to rivers can be considered in different ways: either through the Judiciary (legislative route used in neighboring countries such as Colombia and Ecuador) that were recognized as subjects of law at the judicial level, or through a change in the Political Constitution of Peru.
It should be noted that the previous week, the draft Law No. 6957 was presented to the Congress of the Republic of Peru to legally recognize the rights of Mother Nature, ecosystems and species.
More information here.