Colloquium on Trans-Pyrenean Studies. Religion in the Pyrenees: land, society and culture
Núria, Catalonia27-29 Setember 2013
Conjointly, the Centre d’Estudis Comarcals del Ripollès, the Patronat Francesc Eiximenis de la Diputació de Girona, the Coordinadora de Centres d’Estudis de Parla Catalana, the Centre d’Estudis Ribagorçans and the Institut Ramon Muntaner organized the VIII International Colloquium on Trans-Pyrnean Studies, which took place on 27-29 September 2013 in Núria, Catalonia, Spain.
This year the conference focused on the study of the impact of religion on the Pyrenees throughout its history from a number of different perspectives: anthropology, ethnology, history, arts and heritage, economy and cultural tourism, political and territorial organization, etc.The sanctuary of Núria, home to the Symposium, is surrounded by natural protected areas and is wonderful place for welcoming the contributions and discussions on the different fields of study.
Area 1: Landscapes of Religion: tangible and intangible culture linked to religion in the Pyrenees.
Area 2: History of religion in the Pyrenees: continuities and ruptures.
Roundtable: Religion, wealth and power.The Silene Association presented a paper on Aplecs in the Alt Prineu Natural Park and its surroundings: a synthesis of cultural and spiritual values in a natural setting. This is part of the work that is being carried out on this theme in the Alt Pirineu Natural Park, Catalonia.