Preparing guidance to integrate cultural and spiritual values into the protected areas of Spain
Mallarach, Josep-Maria, Comas, Eulàlia and de Armas, Alberto2010
The Silene Association proposed to promote the elaboration of a guide to integrate the cultural and spiritual values - the intangible heritage – in the protected natural spaces of Spain. The project, developed between 2011-12, was considered in collaboration with the Technical Office of EUROPARC-Spain, given that it is the most influential organization in the training and training of managers of protected natural areas of Spain , thanks to the economic support of the Fundació Catalunya Caixa and the Cabildo de Tenerife.
The process of elaboration was participatory, coordinated by Josep M. Mallarach, with three face-to-face workshops and four months of telematic participation:
The first workshop was held on September 20, 2011, at the outsourcing of the Poblet monastery, and focused on the experiences of Catalonia. It brought together experts from the Ecomuseus de les Valls d’Àneu, the UNESCO Center of Catalonia, the Poblet Protected Area, the Conca de Barberà Studies Center, the Natural Park Serra de Montsant, the Natural Environment Planning Department of the Department of Territory and Sustainability, the Alt Pirineu Natural Park, the Carrutxa Association, the Museu de la Mediterrània de Torroella de Montgrí and the Museu Etnològic del Montseny – la Gabella.
The second workshop was held from October 3 to 5, 2011, in San Martín de la Virgen del Moncayo, a town located in the vicinity of the Natural Park of Moncayo, Aragón, and had the participation of 16 experts, from eight Autonomous Communities and two organizations: Asociación de Interpretación del Patrimonio y Amigos de las Salinas del Interior.
The third workshop, from 5 to 7 March 2012, held at the Montsant Natural Park, Catalonia, was attended by 15 experts from eight autonomous communities and representatives from three private organizations: Amigos de las Salinas del Interior, Silene and Obra Social of CatalunyaCaixa.
The manual was published soon after by EUROPARC-Spain, and publicly presented in September 2012.
You can download the digital version, free of charge, from this website and from that of EUROPARC-Spain.