India Forest Rights Act
Parliament of India 2006
Towards 2006, the Government of India initiated a strong and progressive policy in order to protect traditional communities…
Towards 2006, the Government of India initiated a strong and progressive policy in order to protect traditional communities…
In 2012, civil society and communities successfully lobbied the Benin Government to pass a national law (Interministerial Order…
The Aichi Targets, within the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-20, outlines an ambitious roadmap towards halting and reversing…
Indigenous peoples in mountain areas are specially affected by climate change and diversity loss, both biological and cultural….
A declaration produced by the first global meeting of elders and sages from various indigenous traditions that took…
The Haudenosaunee, or the Six Nations Iriquois Confederacy, is among the most ancient continuously existing cultures in the…
Sacred forests hold the last remaining primary forest in many parts of Sierra Leone, but they have been…
The Biocultural Unit of Pronatura Mexico developed a methodology and tools, based upon an analysis of ecosystem and…
The Huichol (indigenous Mexican) meet every year to prepare for their pilgrimage to the Wirikuta semi-desert (eastern Mexico)…
Statement made by representatives of indigenous peoples from around the world on the following topics: the relationship between…