Seminar “The Earth in front of human values”
Barcelona27-28 September 2024
The International School of Intercultural Philosophy (EIFI) is organizing this year’s third seminar dedicated to “The Earth in…
The International School of Intercultural Philosophy (EIFI) is organizing this year’s third seminar dedicated to “The Earth in…
A harmonious relationship with nature can only be based on the recovery of the cosmic and spiritual dimension…
The task of the ancient philosophers was in fact to contemplate the cosmic order and its beauty; to…
Aspiring to a depth of awareness of the sacred whole has always been the path to wisdom and…
Every person we come across is a sacred mystery and each animal, each plant, has a unique dignity…
The world is not a problem to be solved; it is a living being to which we belong….
Ecosofía, el arte de escuchar la Tierra (Ecosophy, the art of listening to the Earth) is the title…
The first Sage who recognized God had no books. Nature taught him and he helped nature.
Via ecológica: la sacralidad de la tierra y el cultivo de la sobriedad (Ecological way: the sacredness of…
The three basic ecological values, namely reverence, responsibility and austerity are so interconnected that the meaning of each…