Le catholicisme vert: histoire des relations entre l’Église et la nature au XX siècle
Landron, Olivier2008
The work examins the relationship between the French Catholic church, the natural world and the environment throughout the twentieth century. Despite being centred on the French Church, this work also contains papal documents from the twentieth century and reflections by a number of European bishops. It examines the theological, philosophical and pastoral dimension of the natural world in terms of ontology, the contemplation of nature and its relationship with the environment. The author analyses and documents phenomena as diverse as hermitism, pilgrimages, art, literature, the press, youth movements, missionaries and nature conservation movements, and also discusses a number of significant contemporary intellectuals such as Jean-Marie Pelt and Jean Bastaire. It also includes an extensive bibliography in subject order and an index of names, movements, associations and religious communities of France.
Landron, Olivier. Le catholicisme vert: histoire des relations entre l’Église et la nature au XX siècle. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2008. (Cerf Histoire). 527 pp. ISBN: 978-2-204-08658-5.