Conclusions of the first seminar on the intangible heritage of protected areas of Catalonia
Silene Association2011
The seminar provided an opportunity to share experiences of the study and consideration of intangible cultural heritage and spiritual heritage in protected natural areas in Catalonia. In addition, proposals were made for designing the manual on intangible heritage in protected areas being jointly promoted by EUROPARC-Spain and the Association Silene.
The conclusions of the seminar are organized in four parts: the experience of inventories, diagnosis and proposals for intangible heritage in protected areas in Catalonia; the scope of the concept of intangible heritage and its different types; the difficulties and challenges in the conservation of intangible heritage; and, finally, the opportunities that the preservation of intangible heritage offers protected natural areas.
The document is available both in Catalan and Spanish.
“Conclusions de la 1ª jornada sobre el patrimoni immaterial als espais naturals protegits de Cataluña”. Unpublished proceedings available in Catalan and Spanish. Asociación Silene; Obra Social de Catalunya Caixa. Poblet, 20 de septiembre de 2011.