The Hau de no sau nee (Iroquois confederation) address to the Western World
The Iroquois Confederation1977
The Haudenosaunee, or the Six Nations Iriquois Confederacy, is among the most ancient continuously existing cultures in the world. In 1977 the Haudenosaunee sent a message the Western World from Geneva, Switzerland. Essentially, the message is a basic call to consciousness. It stresses that the destruction of the Native cultures and people is the same process which has destroyed and is destroying life on this Planet. The technologies and social systems which have destroyed the animal and the plant life are also destroying the Native people. The traditional Native peoples hold the key to the reversal of the processes in Western Civilization which threaten unimaginable future suffering and destruction. Spiritualism is the highest form of political consciousness. And the Native peoples of the Western Hemisphere, are among the world’s surviving proprietors of that kind of consciousness. They say they are here to impart that message.
“The Hau de no sau nee Address to the Western World” [On-line]. In: A Basic Call to Consciousness. Geneva, Switzerland: Akwesasne Notes, Autumn 1977. [Consulted: 27 December 2013].