La tecnocracia contra la trascendencia
Jordi Pigem2018
Tecnocracia contra Trascendencia is a chapter in the book Ángeles o robots, by the philosopher Jordi Pigem. He argues how the path of technocracy is incompatible with transcendence, since it only focuses on what is quantifiable while interiority is intrinsically intangible. Falling into technocratic seduction inevitably leads to a decline in the ability to marvel at the mystery of the world. The hyper-technological society creates a veil that prevents us from perceiving our interiority, hides human incompleteness and thus blocks the spiritual path to fullness. These are two paths that are mutually exclusive and hence one of them must be chosen.
Ángeles o robots is a profound essay that develops the critique that the encyclical Laudato si’ raises of technocracy, supported by various philosophers, quotes or not in the encyclical, to reflect on the contemporary human condition under the impact of the ecological crisis , the crisis of the dominant horizons of progress and the impact that new technologies and the ideology that sustains them have on our daily experience.
Jordi Pigem (2018) Ángeles o robots. La interioridad humana en la era hipertecnológica. Epílogo de David Jou. Fragmenta editorial, Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-15518-86-0.
Original Catalan version: Jordi Pigem (2017) Àngels i robots. La interioritat humana en l’era hipertecnològica. Epíleg de David Jou. XXV Premi Joan Maragall. Viena edicions, Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-8330-931-5.